To cite LW1949 in publications, please use: Adams, Jean V., Karen S. Slaght, and Michael A. Boogaard. 2016. An automated approach to Litchfield and Wilcoxon's evaluation of dose-effect experiments using the R package LW1949. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35(12):3058-3061. URL A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {An automated approach to Litchfield and Wilcoxon's evaluation of dose-effect experiments using the R package {LW1949}}, author = {{Jean V. Adams} and {Karen S. Slaght} and {Michael A. Boogaard}}, journal = {Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry}, year = {2016}, volume = {35}, number = {12}, pages = {3058-3061}, doi = {10.1002/etc.3490}, url = {}, }